Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Why Movie Miniatures?

There are blogs for all sorts of things. Why one on movie miniatures? Simply, because I like them. I've always had a soft spot for special effects and using models to simulate reality on film has always caught my fancy. As a member of the Star Wars Generation that watched in awe as the Millennium Falcon first lifted from Docking Bay 94 and Red Leader had the flight lock their S-foils in attack position, I was amazed to see what wonders could be brought to life using what amounted to toys!

As I've grown, I have not lost my fasination with miniatures, even as the world of movie production has embraced digital effects. As a home-grown filmmaker myself, I delight in having the chance to use models in my own productions.

For now, this blog is a catch-all for my interest in movie miniatures, providing links that I find interesting, tips and tricks on using miniatures to enhance production values and any little thing I find fascinating.

I hope you enjoy.


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